Thursday, February 13, 2014

Night Before Hell

Fuck Valentine's Day. I hate all the happy couples smooching and being, well...couply. Valentines Day just gives them a better excuse to do it in public.

All this dumb holiday is good for, in my world, is reminding me that I have no goddamn clue what I'm doing in this 'relationship'. I don't really know the guy I'm dating well enough to know what's going on in his head. I wonder if he's taking me seriously. He says he is but I just don't trust anyone anymore. I like him but everyone I come to care about seems to betray me. Not to mention the fact that I won't even see the guy.

I can't see why we need a stupid pink and red holiday. If you're really in love, is it even necessary? I mean, every day should be Valentine's Day for those real couples, right? Why torture the people who are single or inbetween single and taken?

Can you tell I was dumped around Valentine's Day? 'Cause I was. My birthday is on the 3rd, Valentine's is the 14th and the anniversary of my diagnosis is the 23rd...I was dumped by my last boyfriend somewhere around the last two. My hatred for tomorrow is completely justifiable.

Anyway, have a nice day tomorrow and don't hurt yourself or's literally the dumbest thing to die for. It's just a stupid holiday.

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